My Life As A Darklord

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 flag 6-30-2009  flag 7-20-2009 wii logo
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Some time in the future of the Chronicles...
Trapped in a high tower inside a crystal, Mira, daughter of a Dark Lord has been imprisoned. This however does not stop her from ravaging the lands, conquering towns and villages, and unleashing her evil through this tower. While she sends her minions forth to conquer the fearing people, she must fend off the adventurers who wish to put an end to her evil. She waits in her tower, setting traps and adding magical floors to stop them. Though good always wins in the end, it is time to see evil have its victory...maybe.

my life as a darklord screen

My life as a King is the second new title from Square-Enix to be released on the WiiWare system. The cost of the game is 1500 Wii points, and requires 287 blocks of the Wii's internal memory top hold. Released in America in June, 2009, My Life as a Dark Lord has seen very favorable reviews. It is certainly different game from the rest of the series, and has been set apart from its older counterpart MLAAK.
In this game, you are playing the other side of the spectrum, a daughter of a darklord. Trapped in a crystal inside a tower, it is up to you to play basically tower guard. You mission is to prevent the "Adventurers from infiltrating your tower and destroying the crystal.
Similar to a Tower Guardian game, this was definitely a breath of freshness and new feel for the series. I was actually hooked within a half hour or so. This game is as addicting as any of those so called games ones you find on WiiWare, or even Facebook. Wave after wave of "Adventures" as they are called, come to invade your tower. In order to stop them from winning you will have to strategically place floors, traps, and monsters on different levels of the tower. This is certainly one of the finer strategy games. Scenarios occur when different kind of adventures can inflict different kind of damage to your armies. You are then forced into supplying a more strategic army, to prevent the most amount of varying Adventurers in to your tower. With the sheer addiction, you will feel like only a hour has passed, when a almost 4 has actually gone by.
my life as a king screenWhen it comes to graphics, you certainly see more textures, more details, more movement, and in plain English, just overall prettier than MLAAK. That being said, some of this fantastic work gets missed in the scale of the characters in the screen. Even in HD you have to get in close to see there was far more effort put into the graphics on this title than the last one. Of course a lot of people are off set by the whole 2D feel of the game...If you think a game can only have great detail and beauty if it is 3D, then you are surely missing out, and I pitty you. I feel the 2D effect brings even more charm and appeal to the graphics in the game.
The music of MLAADL is certainly not of the scope expected of the major series titles, but it is definitely witty and enjoyable. Mr. Uematsu did a nice job being simple with the scoring, but making sure it was not overbearing to hear. That being said, the music can become a little repetitive, similar to its predecessor. But it does add to the atmosphere nicely, and has a good quality sound.
my life as a king coverCertainly you would think with the string of disappointments recently from our Final Fantasy home of Square-Enix that this would go right on that list of "yet another ugh game", yet I had to give it a shot. And I was quite impressed with it. I am definitely not a quiet disliker of the CC series as a whole. But it would seem the creators of the series are beginning the road of bringing it around to the more fun and loving place the rest of the series has been in for over 20 years. Lets hope the next release sees itself topping this one. A great example of something different and taking a step forward.

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